Friday, January 9, 2009

An Invitation to Health or Nutritional Yeast Cookbook

An Invitation to Health (with 1Pass Instant Access to HealthNow 2007 and InfoTrac)

Author: Dianne Hales

AN INVITATION TO HEALTH, Twelfth Edition has been a best-selling personal health text for many years, largely due to its ability both to introduce the topics of health and wellness and also to inspire students to put the facts of what makes good health and wellness into practice. The unique approach of Dianne Hales's text revolves around the student focus (i.e. examples students can relate to, contemporary coverage, visual appeal, testing preparation). This text is comprehensive in its coverage and includes the latest research and data on topics students care about, from personal relationships, to eating habits and understanding health risks. Because changing for life is a major theme of this edition, a new "Your Life Coach" section presents practical information on how to make healthful changes. To enhance the critical thinking aspect, case studies have been added in each chapter that will present a personal issue involving making a healthy choice. Also, "You Decide" boxes in each chapter ask a controversial question for student reflection, such as same-sex marriage and legalization of marijuana. They are also linked to Personal Response System "clicker" content and a new online journal. Additionally, with this updated Twelfth Edition, there is the new HealthNow™ Online assessment and learning tool, including pre- and post-tests, a personalized behavior change plan, and activities to add enjoyment to learning and allow students to explore, experience, and better understand the benefits of healthy living. We also now offer Pedometers, over 500 PowerPoint® slides, new ABC® video clips, and much more. The Twelfth Edition continues to offer the same great content, features,and support materials, and now is taking it even further by emphasizing the importance of behavior change and developing life skills.

Table of Contents:
A LIFETIME OF WELLNESS. 1. An Invitation to Health for the Twenty-First Century. 2. Personal Stress Management. 3. Feeling Good. 4. Caring for the Mind. II. HEALTHY LIFESTYLES. 5. The Joy of Fitness. 6. Nutrition for Life. 7. Eating Patterns and Problems. III. RESPONSIBLE SEXUALITY. 8. Communication and Relationships. 9. Personal Sexuality. 10. Reproductive Choices. IV. PERSONAL HEALTH RISKS. 11. Consumerism, Complementary/Alternative Medicine, and the Health Care System. 12. Defending Yourself from Infectious Diseases. 13. Keeping Your Heart Healthy. V. AVOIDING HEALTH RISKS. 14. Lowering Your Risk of Cancer and Other Major Diseases. 15. Drug Use, Misuse, and Abuse. 16. Alcohol Use, Misuse, and Abuse. 17. Tobacco Use, Misuse, and Abuse. VI. HEALTH IN CONTEXT. 18. Staying Safe: Preventing Injury, Violence, and Victimization. 19. When Life Ends. 20. Working Towards a Healthy Environment. Appendix: Hales Health Almanac. Glossary. Credits. Index.

Books about: Natural Health after Birth or Dieting Sucks

Nutritional Yeast Cookbook: Recipes Using Red Star Vegetarian Support Formula

Author: Joanne Stepaniak

Here are over 100 recipes featuring Red Star's Vegetarian Support  Formula Flakes. Use this delicious, nutritional yeast to create wonderful substitutes for cheese sauces, sliceable cheese for cold snacks, and meltable cheese for toppings, fondues, and pizza. You'll soon learn how to make the most of this tasty product in your everyday cooking. Great for anyone who is lactose intolerant! And a great fource of B vitamins!

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