Monday, December 29, 2008

Absolute Beginners Guide to Half Marathon Training or Seizures and Epilepsy in Childhood

Absolute Beginners' Guide to Half Marathon Training

Author: Heather Hedrick

Signed up for a half-marathon and not sure what you've gotten yourself into? Absolute Beginner's Guide to Half-Marathon Training: Get Ready to Run or Walk a 5K, 8K, 10K or Half-Marathon Race is an easy-to-understand introduction to the world of running half-marathon, or shorter, race. Endorsed by the National Institute for Fitness and Sport, this book is packed with illustrations, notes on how to stay motivated and tips on how to train without pain. It will guide you through your marathon-training program and show you how to find the appropriate clothing and shoes, prevent and treat injuries and warm-up before running. Even if you are walking a shorter distance, this is a beneficial training manual. So run, or walk, to your nearest bookstore and pick up a copy of ABG to Half-Marathon Training today!

Book review: GI in Your Pocket or Health Insurance Resources

Seizures and Epilepsy in Childhood: A Guide

Author: John M Freeman

The award-winning Seizures and Epilepsy in Childhood is the standard resource for parents in need of comprehensive medical information about their child with epilepsy. Now in its third edition, this highly praised book has been thoroughly revised and updated to reflect the latest approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy in childhood, including the use of the ketogenic diet as a treatment for children who either do not respond to traditional drug therapy or who suffer intolerable side effects from medications.

In addition to providing up-to-date information about new diagnostic techniques as well as new drugs, diet, and surgical treatments, the authors have included a chapter addressing routine health care for children with epilepsy and a new chapter on complementary and alternative therapies. Also new to this edition are discussions of the progress made in the evaluation for surgery, a chapter on insurance issues, and a section detailing additional resources.

"No child's life should be defined by seizures. If we understand how the brain works, what happens during seizures, and how to cope with epilepsy, we can overcome the mythology of epilepsy and fight society's prejudices, allowing every child with epilepsy to reach his or her full potential." -- From Seizures and Epilepsy in Childhood

Eric R. Hargis

This remarkable book has been empowering parents with vital information for more than ten years, and the new edition promises to do the same. It is committed to making parents active partners in their children's care and will be a vital resource for families everywhere.

Seizures and Epilepsy in Childhood

No child's life should be defined by seizures. If we understand how the brain works, what happens during seizures, and how to cope with epilepsy, we can overcome the mythology of epilepsy and fight society's prejudices, allowing every child with epilepsy to reach his or her full potential.

Doody Review Services

Reviewer: Paula M Cotruta, M.D. (University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine)
Description: This is an excellent reference for the public, both parents of children with epilepsy and for patients with epilepsy. It addresses not only diagnosis and treatment but also deals in detail with coping and living with epilepsy.
Purpose: The book is an approach to seizures and epilepsy written for the public, but it also is helpful for medical students, nurses, and general practitioners. The book is needed, given the many implications of this condition in a person's life, and given the fact that these questions are sometimes incompletely addressed during a regular doctor visit. The book meets the author's objectives.
Audience: It is written for the general public, medical students, nurses, general practitioners.
Features: The book covers seizures, epilepsy, treating epilepsy, and living with it. I found particularly useful the differentiation between being epileptic and having a seizure, also the information about the current diagnostic methods used (CT, EEG, MRI, blood tests). A unique feature of this book is the detailed approach of living with epilepsy.
Assessment: This a thorough look at epilepsy aimed at the general public. It educates parents on the diverse field of childhood epilepsy.


3 Stars from Doody

Table of Contents:
List of Figures and Tables
Foreword to the Third Edition
Foreword to the Second Edition
Foreword to the First Edition
Pt. 1Why Do Seizures and Epilepsy Occur?
1How the Brain Works: Understanding Seizures and Why There Are So Many Types9
2The Kinds of Seizure and Where They Arise in the Brain21
Pt. 2Diagnosing Seizures and Epilepsy
3How We Diagnose a Seizure and Decide What It Will Mean for Your Child49
4How We Evaluate and Think about a First Seizure65
5Decision Making: Assessing Risks and Benefits after a Nonfebrile Seizure77
6What to Do during a Second Big Seizure86
7Understanding Your Child's Tests: EEG, CT, and MRI93
8The Epilepsies of Childhood: Special Patterns and Causes117
Pt. 3Treating Seizures and Epilepsy
9Medical Treatment of Seizures135
10Status Epilepticus: A Medical Emergency166
11The Outlook for the Child with Seizures172
12The Ketogenic Diet181
13Vitamins, Minerals, and Complementary and Alternative Therapies for Epilepsy193
14Surgical Approaches to Epilepsy209
Pt. 4Coping With Epilepsy
15Coping with Seizures and Epilepsy251
16Coping with the Uncertainties of Seizures and Epilepsy: The Power of Positive Thinking271
17Coping with Substantial Handicap: Mental Retardation, Cerebral Palsy, and Difficult-to-Control Seizures280
18Epilepsy as a Psychosocial Disease298
19Counseling: A Dialogue306
Pt. 5Living With Epilepsy
20School: Learning and Behavior329
21Routine Medical Care and Epilepsy341
22Sports and Epilepsy345
23Driving and Epilepsy351
24Marriage, Pregnancy, and Children355
25Support Services and Additional Information for People with Epilepsy and Their Families363
26Insurance and Other Financial Issues369

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